Core Labs Management

Labs develop service activities like screening, detection, production, analysis … Whatever the application domain is: molecular biology, genomic, chemistry … , these labs must set up an efficient Quality Management System (QSM) to satisfy their clients and therefore accreditation bodies.

Manage everything from Service Request to Invoice

NOVO Core LIMS provides everything the research core facilities need to manage the operations from instrument scheduling to invoicing. Custom CSV upload templates can be configured to match customer manifest, track specimens and invoice clients through customer portal

  • Request Management
  • Sample Tracking & Invoicing

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diagnostic information software


Core Lab Service Request Management

Customers are allowed to schedule shared instrumentation, service request submission and sample manifests upload

  • Custom service request forms can be developed for each core lab in your facility
  • Service requests can be managed through reports and intuitive LIMS dashboards
  • Permissions can be set so that only the specified users can reserve shared instruments
  • Spreadsheets, images and PDFs can be attached to individual sample records
  • Subjects, Visits/time-points and cohorts can be managed through service request management
  • Comply with HIPAA with platform encryption features

Built on the world’s most secure cloud computing
platform with NOVO LIMS

Material Management

Track the consumption and creation of lab inventory

Protocol Management

Run protocols and workflows from leading instrumentation vendors


Use the customer portal to empower clients to create submissions and track progress


End-to-end sample tracking and complete traceability

Sample Tracking & Invoicing

From protocols to reports and storage, NOVO LIMS handles every aspect of your sample's lifecycle.

  • Samples can be assigned to plates or batches, protocols can be run on individual samples or batches
  • Protocols can be configured with unique procedures, steps and materials
  • Unique storage hierarchy can be configured for each indiviual freezer
  • Profiles and permissions can be used to control freezer visibility settings across lab groups
  • PDF reports showing core lab results can be created and automatically sent email to customers
  • Custom invoices can be created and automatically distributed to customers through email or portal


NOVO LIMS is a network based application for project management in R&D lab. Create, manage and follow up an unlimited number of projects, tasks and milestones. Evaluate and control costs by managing equipment, collaborators … Graphic viewers are integrated to make project management easier. Gantty allows R&D labs to implement or improve their Quality System Management with an IT solution.

  • Custom services analysis
  • Protocols, reagents and equipment management
  • Sample status and processing
  • Results upload and formatting
  • Client access to retrieve results