Next-Generation Sequencing

NOVO LIMS supports your NGS activity at every stage of your protocol. LabCollector provides a configurable on-premise or cloud-based NGS LIMS solution that enables complete sample tracking through the NGS pipeline, from request to sample processing and result delivery. Our solution can support any NGS lab from R&D to diagnostic/service NGS lab.

End-to-End NGS Protocol Support

NOVO LIMS helps to manage your NGS projects through each stage of your protocol. Helps to manage everything from sample prep through library construction, adaptor ligation, pooling, flow cell design and sample sheet generation

  • Library Construction and Pooling
  • Flow Cells and Sample Sheet Generation

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Library Construction and Pooling

Library records can be created from submitted samples and associate libraries to pools

  • Child library records can be created from samples or initiate import library process
  • Work queue views can be generated to see the status of plates, pools and flow cells
  • Indexes/barcodes can be stored in a master table and associated to libraries
  • Diluted library records can be created and associated to a parent library
  • Libraries can be added to pools with wizards that automatically check for index collisions
  • Custom data fields can be easily configured to reflect your unique library QC process

Best-in-class security and reliability

Integration Ready

APIs for easy integration with all major platforms

Safe and Secure

Built on a cloud computing platform trusted by millions of users world-wide

Top Choice

Chosen by the world's largest sequencing service provider

Reports and Dashboards

Capture metrics throughout your sample workflow

Flow Cells and Instrument Run Preparation

Flow cells can be designed at any stage in the process and populated lanes can be added to queued flow cells when ready to be run.

  • Any number of lanes can be configured using flow cell record types
  • Multiple sample sheet csv exports can be configured to meet your instrument requirements
  • Status indicators can be configured for each step in your flow cell design process
  • Pools can be added to lanes and keep track of the total pools and index collisions
  • Reagents can be tagged to flow cells to track usage and reservations
  • Flow cells can be associated to runs and track run status and attributes

NOVO LIMS NGS Pack Adapts to your Needs with:

  • NOVO LIMS Framework
  • Lab Service Manager add-on
  • Sample Receiving & Plating Add-on
  • Workflow Add-on
  • Tube Sorter Add-on
  • Included API
  • Ready-to-use remote portal
  • Compliancy Pack